Okay everyone, here I am. A blogger. Instead of writing my new book which I should be doing I am writing this blog for all to see. A lot of good it's doing me if you don't read my fucking book or buy my fucking book or whatever. Hell with all of you.
Ha ha! Just kidding. I didn't mean to offend you. You don't have to read my book, buy my book, or even read this blog. It's a free country. Unless you're reading this in Burma or one of the "Stan" countries or North Korea where they have P.A. systems in their houses so the GREAT LEADER can talk to them whenever he wants even at 3AM.
I'm a baby boomer. A lot of my fellow boomers will appreciate my edgy obnoxious humor because we are edgy. You younger people, the Millennials, will be offended because you are nice. You are uncomfortable with anger. I don't understand why because you grew up in a meaner, harder world than we did, except that when we grew up Negroes were being lynched in the South, gay people couldn't be gay, and all that stuff. But still, we had HOPE. Got hope? I don't know what Obama did with our hope. Maybe he's marinading it or something.
My book is called I Came Out For THIS? It's a novel about a nutty Jewish woman who comes out in her forties, falls madly in love, and moves to Washington DC to win the woman's heart, and she has all kinds of adventures. It's actually pretty hilarious. It won the Independent Publisher gold medal for humor. I'm not kidding. Would I kid you about something like that? It also won the gold medal for LGBT fiction!
Well I have to go take a shower now. (Isn't that what we do now on twitter and facebook and our blogs?We say, "I'm going to take a shower" or "Ich! You should see the crud that's growing in my refrigerator!" And everyone's supposed to care. Well, I guess it's like talking to your friend when he/she's right in the room. "I gotta go pee." And the friend doesn't say, "I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS IF YOU HAVE TO GO PEE!" She says, "Okay, I'll wait for you.")
So wait for me. I'll be back! Or actually you don't have to wait. Because it will take me awhile to take a shower and then I'll have to do some other stuff. Like inspect the crud in my refrigerator. Not really. My fridge is clean. I cleaned it before going to Cleveland to visit my mom. I'm from Cleveland. Maybe that's why I'm like this. People from Cleveland just say whatever they want. They don't put on any airs. I like Clevelanders. But I had to get away from Cleveland in order to love it. When I lived there I thought it was a pitstop.
Later, kids.
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